5 Ways To Prevent Thyroid
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5 Ways To Prevent Thyroid

20 Jan ‘22 By AnikHealth tips

5 Ways To Prevent Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a part of our endocrine system and produces thyroid hormones which are important for our metabolic health. The thyroid gland regulates the body’s metabolic rate and controls the heart, muscles, digestive system, brain development and bone maintenance .It is located at the front of the neck just below Adam's apple.

The correct functioning of this gland depends on a good supply of iodine from the diet, The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland which secretes a hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), The TSH tells the thyroid gland how much hormone to produce and secrete, The thyroid gland produces the hormones T3 and T4which control our metabolic health.

Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland can cause two types of diseases-hypothyroidism were too little of the hormone is produced and results in a sluggish metabolism .weight gain and chronic fatigue, Too much of the thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism where there is a drastic weight loss and the body uses up energy too quickly, A normal blood test can detect these conditions easily. Prevention is always better than cure and a few changes in our life-style and dietary habits can help us to keep our thyroid in check.

5 steps to reduce the risk of thyroid disease
  1. Quit smoking : Smoking is extremely harmful for our body as the toxins in cigarettes like thiocyanate block the production of the thyroid hormone and generally cause hypothyroidism, Cigarette smoking increases the incidence of goitre which is due to insufficient iodine absorption .Cigarette smoking also increases the risk of thyroid cancer so one must try to abstain from smoking.

  2. Increasing the intake of selenium : Selenium is a very important antioxidant and helps to remove free radicals that are generated during the process of building up thyroid hormones. So it helps in the proper functioning of the gland and also checks premature ageing .Most meat products ,Brazilian nuts, fish , pasta, rice ,cereals and yeast contain selenium and should be consumed in moderation to meet our daily requirements.

  3. Limit the intake of processed foods : Processed foods such as ready meals, baked goods and processed meats can have a negative impact on our health and also these tend to be high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and trans fat. All these hinder the proper functioning of the pituitary gland which controls the thyroid gland.

  4. Eating a balanced diet : You are what you eat and a balanced diet which includes yoghurt, nuts, milk, eggs ,fish ,fruits vegetables, fibre, berries, etc which ensures that you get all the nutrients that are needed to keep the body healthy. When we eat right ,the body gets the required nutrition and is less susceptible to infections and inflammation. Reducing alcohol, caffeine and sugar in the diet will help to keep the thyroid levels in check.

  5. Keep stress and anxiety under control : Chronic stress not only wrecks havoc on our overall health and well being but also affects our thyroid levels too. Stress impacts the thyroid gland and slows down the body’s metabolism and causes weight gain and fatigue too. Taking time to reflect and meditate can help the body to relax and less stress means a proper functioning of the thyroid gland. One should visit one’s doctor regularly for general health check ups which would also include thyroid levels. A healthy diet with regular exercise and a positive mindset can go a long way in keeping our thyroid levels in control and overall well-being.

Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland can cause two types of diseases: hypothyroidism, where too little of the hormone is produced and results in a sluggish metabolism, weight gain and chronic fatigue; and hyperthyroidism, where there is a drastic weight loss and the body uses up energy too quickly. A normal blood test can detect these conditions easily.

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